Our Events Calendar

Directions to our ranch.
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May 2009: Shearing Day

It’s Alpaca Shearing Time Again!

Waugh Mountain Alpacas is gearing up for Shearing Day at the barn in Nutrioso. We know it will be in May and we'll update the site here as soon as we know more. The fun starts at 9:00 am.

Want to know more about Alpacas?

Our shearing day is a great opportunity to see and learn. Come see why this luxurious fiber is preferred by spinners across the country. You can lend a hand with the shearing or just hang out with the alpacas.

Attention Spinners and Fiber Arts Enthusiasts….

Come take advantage of discounted sales of fiber hot off the animal!

Everyone is welcome!

Call Dave or Terry for more information (928) 339-4244

Directions: Our ranch is located on the east side of Hwy. 180 in Nutrioso, just south of mile marker 414 (across from the transfer station)

August 1 & 2, 2009: Open Ranch Days

This is a great opportunity to get "hands on" with these wonderful animals and learn the ins and outs of Alpaca ranching. various demonstrations will be offered along with refreshments, so bring the kids and the camera for a fun outing!

Open Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Ranch location: Hwy. 180 in Nutrioso ˝ mile south of mile marker 414, across from the Transfer Station. Call (928) 339-4244

August 22-23, 2009: Tapestry Weaving Workshop (part 2)

This is another in our Annual Workshop Series. This year's event will be a follow-up to last year's workshop taught by return instructor Jan Hoffman from Blue, Arizona. Beginning to Intermediary level introduction to tapestry weaving at our beautiful ranch setting. Fellowship with friends old and new. Advance registration required.

More detailed information...

Directions: Our ranch is located on the east side of Hwy. 180 in Nutrioso, just south of mile marker 414 (across from the transfer station)

Natural Dye Workshop Results
Jane Hoffman Lily Tapestry

© 2005 Waugh Mountain Alpacas. All Rights Reserved.  |  Questions? waughmtnalpacas@frontiernet.net  |  928-339-4244
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